Jealousy in "Othello" by William Shakespere

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
In "Othello", jealousy is what appears to destroy him. Othello takes the word of an alleged trusted man, that his new bride has deceived him. Betrayal and manipulation lie at the heart of Othello and the jealousy destroys them all. This powerful destructive emotion was first suggested by Othello's trusted friend "Iago the Honest" when he says, "O beware jealousy; / It is the green ey'd monster, which doth mock / That meat it feeds on" (III.3, 169…

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…a love that one has and has lost. Be it a love of a person or a love of a thing, such as a prominent position like Iago was after, it can destroy you and the one you loved. Unfortunately it is easier to sit and judge and say you shouldn't act in this manner, however; unless you experience this first hand you can never truly appreciate the loss of a love in this manner.