Jealousy in Othello

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Jealousy in Othello In Shakespeare's Othello, Iago plots Othello's destruction when he is passed over for a promotion. Iago tells Othello that Desdemona has been unfaithful to him and provides circumstantial evidence for this. Othello becomes full of anger and jealousy and kills Desdemona. Othello later finds that Desdemona was not unfaithful and commits suicide. Jealousy appears many times in several characters of Othello. Jealousy leads to the ultimate downfall of several characters in Othello …

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…his wife. Jealousy is an everpresent trait in Othello. It consumes several characters and eventually brings them to their untimely death. Roderigo's jealousy brings about his own murder, Othello's jealousy forces him to commit suicide, the ultimate act of selfishness and Iago's jealousy affords him death by torture. Unfortunately, the wicked emotion, jealousy, not only resulted in the deaths of three of Othello's main characters, it caused the untimely deaths of innocent characters as well.