Jealously among the society

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
Jealousy may be defined as a negative response to a threat that is either real or imagined. In most cases it jealousy results from the actual or potential loss of an intimate partner. Research into jealousy is limited and little is known about the range of experiences and behaviors associated with this emotion. (Stewart 153.) However, it is clear that jealousy affects some people more than others. This reflects not only the fact that the levels …

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…the gender difference is also an important factor to take into account. Men seemed more threatened by the loss of a partner. Women accounted the anxiety to feelings on inadequacy to the rival relationship. They seem more likely to internalize self-blame to the loss of the relationship therefore the evidence decline of self-esteem is more obvious. More research is needed to clarify how self-esteem contributes to feelings of jealousy as experienced by males and females.