Jason's actions are based on reason and careful judgment.

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Throughout "Medea," both Jason and Medea make choices which can be considered selfish, passionate, reasonable, and sometimes made with careful judgment. For example, Medea's murder of her brother, her murder of her own children, Jason's marriage to Glauce, and his acceptance of the fact that Medea calms down so quickly after being mad at him for marrying Glauce without notifying Medea first. However, Jason's choices do not have any elements of careful judgment in them …

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…him to be selfish; he simply does not do anything but accept that Medea has calmed down. There is absolutely no passion in his decision because his heart is not filled with love, sorrow, or anger when listening to her explanation. It can be seen that Medea's decisons are based on based on passion, selfishness, reason and careful judgment when she is destroying her family. Jason's decisions, however, are only based on selfishnesss and reason.