Jason and the Argonauts, Latin Essay

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But King Aeetes, when he learned that Jason had finished the task he proposed, he was greatly moved, for he understood that it was done through a trick, nor did he doubt that Medea had helped him. Medea moreover, when she learned that she herself would be in danger if she remained in the palace, was determined to seek a flight to safety. With all things prepared in the middle of the night, with her …

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…the Golden Fleece from the tree and retreated with Medea quickly. Moreover while that was going on, the Argonauts who had been left at sea were waiting in an anxious mind for the return of Jason; for they understood that that task was one of the greatest danger. Now when until sunset they waited in vain; they were beginning to despair for his safety, and were not they doubting but that an accident had happened.