"Jarhead: A Marine's Chronicle of the Gulf War and other Battles" by Anthony Swofford - Book Review

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It starts off with Anthony Swofford a Marine in his basement looking over his relics from his action days, his garments, maps, and other memorabilia. He reflects back upon the time he was a soldier and stationed at a base in California. His platoon gets the news about the conflict in Iraq, and the problem with the oil. They are told they will be deployed soon so they rent a bunch of war movies and …

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…still get the feeling of something great. He also uses humor in it and language that we can relate to. I would recommend this book as part of the summer reading list for juniors or seniors as an option, because it is obscene but in a way that opens your eyes. I think at this age it is something you are old enough to read and enjoy. It is a good coming of age story.