Japan's economy

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Economics
What is Fiscal Policy? Fiscal Policy is the economic term which describes the actions of a government in setting the level of public expenditure and how that expenditure is funded. A function of fiscal policy, along with monetary policy, is to regulate the level of economic activity, the price level, and the balance of payments. Fiscal policy also determines the distribution of resources between the public sector and the private sector and influences the distribution …

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…Job seeking support for NEET 3. Financial support for NEET job training 4. Financial support for corporation, which hires NEET as trainee or as part-time worker There has been an educational support for NEET in past, however, that program was a short-term and not much successful. Hopefully, the change of economy and the change of job market would affect NEET. These are a positive change for their life as well as a positive power for Japan's economy.