Japanese car makers hit U

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Marketing and Advertising
Japanese carmakers hit U.S. shores in force during the fuel-conscious 1970s, and South Korean marques have followed in the last 10 to 15 years. New foreign competition in the U.S. car market also could come from Asia. And the most likely candidate may be a country that already is manufacturing much of what Americans buy-China. "When you look at their economy and their wages, it certainly makes sense that they would begin building their own …

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…says Kevin Jones, product communications manager. Any vehicle introduction in the U.S. wouldn't occur before 2005. The Euro carmakers know that success in the U.S. is hardly guaranteed. Alfa, Maserati and MG tried before and ended up departing for home. Unlike the South Koreans, and the Japanese before them, the European is not eyeing the entry-level market. Rather, they would be entering the near-luxury segment that, Mr. Cole notes, is already "over-represented with brands."