Japanese Law

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The Japanese legal system: An overview of a Unique System According to Shinto legend two gods, Izanagi and Izanami, which were brother and sister, dipped a spear into the ocean and drops from the spear formed the island of Onokorojima. Izanagi and Izanami then fell to earth and married. Izanami then gave birth to the islands of Japan and a couple more gods. Jimmu Tenno the first emperor of Japan was given the right to …

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…and the United States during the years of the occupation. The Japanese legal system offers some stimulation to the curiosity of one that has been educated in the western world of law. Works Cited Haley, John O., ed. Law and Society in Contemporary Japan. Dubuque: Kendall/ Hunt, 1988. Noda, Yosiyuki. Introduction to Japanese law. Ed. Anthony Angelo. University of Tokyo Press, 1976. Port, Kenneth. Comparative Law: Law and the Legal Process in Japan. Durham: Carolina Academic Press, 1996.