Japanese Internment Camps.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Economics
Japanese American Internment Camps. Like all issues involving race or war, the question of whether or not it was legal and ethical to make Japanese Americans move to relocation camps in early WWII is a difficult and controversial problem. The internment of around 50,000 Japanese citizens and approximately 70,000 Japanese-American people born in the U.S. living in the American West Coast has become known as a tragedy and mistake. The government even set up numerous projects …

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…cause was the lack of understanding of their loyalties on the part of the government, who saw their foreign culture and language as signs that they were not part of and loyal to American society. The War Power Clause is important, but it can be dangerous when it results in unnecessary events like the Japanese-American internment. The best that can be done now is to realize what the mistakes were and to learn from them.