Japanese Concentration Camps in America

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Essay Database > History
The American Shame The internment of Japanese-Americans during World War II is a shameful era in the history of the United States. They were banished to detention centers not for their protection, but due to prejudices. After the bombing of Pearl Harbor, thousands of American citizens were sent away for the sole reason of their Japanese inheritance. Although some people protested this, it still occurred on the basis of wild speculation amongst high-ranking officials. The …

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…can learn from them for the future. Works Cited Armor, John, and Peter Wright. Manzanar. United States: Times Books, 1988. Brimner, Larry. Voices from the Camps. New York: Franklin Watts, 1994. Daniels, Roger. Concentration Camps: North America. Chicago: Robert E. Krieger Publishing Company, 1971. Fremon, David. Japanese-American Internment in American History. Springfield: Enslow Publishers, Inc., 1996. Gesensway, Deborah, and Mindy Roseman. Beyond Words. Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 1987. Weglyn, Michi. Years of Infamy. New York: Morcow Quill Paperbacks, 1976.