Japan and Labour economics

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Japan On Its Way To Be The World's Largest Economy Japan has performed a miracle. The country's economic performance following its crushing defeat in World War II is nothing short of astounding. The economic expansion of Japan is second to none. All of the elements are in place for Japan to continue increasing its share of the world's wealth as America's gradually declines. The country is on track to becoming the world's largest economy. How …

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…The Western world could learn much from what makes the Japanese successful in business. It is not just a case of adopting Japanese techniques and technology but of recognizing and developing the necessary human skills. The East has borrowed heavily from the West in improving its business performance; the West could also take note of the lessons of Japanese history and culture and consider applying them in its own organizations. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography** ;jklfja;fj.iajsfiajsfiohio