Japan and Asian Economy

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Pages: 13
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Essay Database > Business & Economy
Part I Introduction Japan is an island country, poorly endowed with natural resources and supporting a population of over 120 million in a relatively small area. Yet despite these limiting conditions and the devastation of its manufacturing base during World War II, Japan has managed not only to rebuild its economy but to become one of the leading industrial nations in the world. The economy of Japan is a thriving complex of industry, commerce, finance, agriculture …

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…it.htm 19. Same to reference 9 Contents Part I Introduction P1 Part II Multiple Explanation of Japan's Economic Success Postwar P2-P4 Part III What Causes the Japanese Economic Recession in the 1990s and Measures for Economic Rebirth P5- P7 Part IV The Role of Japan in APBR and Relations between Japan and Other Asia Countries P8-P11 Part V Japan's Contribution to Asia Economy P12-P15 Part VI Conclusion P16 References P17-P18 Appendices