"Jane Eyre" by Charlotte Bronte.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
 The themes of Jane Eyre nanshifeng [Abstract]: Charlotte Bronte created successfully a typical woman characters who has the courage to rebel and fight for freedom and equality. This present paper, from what Jane Eyre experienced and what she thought about the happenings, analyses Jane Eyre's independent, rebellious characters and spirits and Jane Eyre includes the spiritual and supernatural themes.[Key words] Jane Eyre themes independent rebellious spiritual supernatural Introduction Jane Eyre, a novel by C.…

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…sees has become reality.Conclusion Through above analyses, we can know obviously that the author of Jane Eyre created successfully a typical woman characters who has the courage to rebel and fight for freedom and Equality. And we can understand more about the spiritual and supernatural themes of Jane Eyre. These themes pay very important roles to create the character of Jane Eyre, which also cause the character of Jane Eyre stronger and more peculiar