Jane Addams Twenty Years at Hull-House

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Twenty Years at Hull-House By Jane Addams Jane Addams was from a large wealthy family in the small town of Cedarville, Illinois. She was born in 1860, the fifth surviving child of eight. Her mother and sibling died during childbirth when Jane was two years old. Her father, John Addams, was a Quaker, a prosperous sawmill owner, and a state senator for sixteen years. He was a staunch supporter and friend of Abraham Lincoln. He encouraged …

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…Both the Pullman and teamsters strikes left Hull-House with the fallout and fewer friends. In the hysteria during the Russian Revolution and assassination of President McKinley, Jane was misjudged and branded due to her associations with Russian anarchists. However, her accomplishments could not be denied. Jane Addams and Hull-House were one of the key reform movements of her time. Jane's integration of social thought and action addressed large questions of human destiny and social justice.