Jane Adams- Female Sociologist

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
Jane Addams was born on September 6, 1860, in Freeport Illinois. Her father, who was a Quaker, a senator and a mill owner, was her greatest influence. In 1879 she attended Rockford Female seminary, at the time a pioneering college for women, where she excelled. The schools strong religious content did not stick with Addams, however she did explore spirituality and it could be assumed that the strong theme of morals in her work was influenced by this …

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…a reminder of where this field has come from and what direction we should now take it. Addams and the women of Chicago school opened the doors for women today to work in this field. Works Cited Deegan, Mary Jo. 1988. Jane Addams and the Men of the Chicago School, 1892-1918. New Brunswick, New Jersey : Transaction. Lengermann, Patricia. Niebrugge-Brantley, Jill. 1998. The Women Founders : Sociology and Social Theory. Boston : McGraw-Hill. Ritzer, George. 2000. Classical Sociological Theory. Boston : McGraw-Hill