Jamestown v. Plymouth: What were the motives and expections of the people in each colony? What different sets of problems did each group face? How did they react to these problems?

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Starvation, disease, and Indians; these are just a few of the problems you would have dealt with if you wanted to journey to and live in the New World at the start of the 17th century. Knowing some of the fatal and dangerous problems they would have faced what could have been the motivation to make people go anyway? To give up the comforts they were accustomed to having; to risk getting sick and not …

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…L. Gould, David H. Oshinsky, Jean R. Soderlund Published by Wadsworth Publishing, a division of Thomson International 2. http://history.wadsworth.com/passages2e : Book Companion Website 3. Plymouth Plantation: Living Breathing History. http://www.plimoth.org/learn/history/colonist/PilgrimPeople.asp 4. Dead at 40. http://www.plimoth.org/learn/history/myth/Deatat40.asp 5. http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/vcdh/jamestown/ : Virtual Jamestown 6. Jamestown Colony Virginia. http://curry.eduschool.virginia.edu/socialstudies/projects/jvc/unit/broad/outline.html