Jamestown Colony. Goes into detail about the near failure of the colony as well as how it overcame hardship

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Jamestown was a a near failure for many reasons.Of these production was a direct cause. Production depends on three factors: land, labor, and capital. In essence, the London company stole a good bit of land from the Native American Indians-more than enough acreage to have sustained the original hundred colonists. What the London Company had in mind for the colonist to produce on the land they acquired were three primary commodities: gold, grapes, and …

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…were willing to leave England but could not afford to pay for passage to Virginia to make the trip. An individual would place himself in indentured servitude by signing a labor contract agreeing to work for the person who advanced him travel money and provided actual transportation.Soon after slavery followed.Due to the influx of wealth through tobacco as well indentured servants solving the labor problem,Jamestown was able to overcome their initial hardships.