James naismith

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports
Do you know anything about how basketball was invented? If you do not, then that is a good reason to read this essay. I will be telling all about James Naismith and how he invented the game of basketball. I will discuss how he captured the world's attention with his game. James Naismith had a very fulfilling and colorful life. That is why I believe you may want to read this essay. James Naismith was …

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…caught on and was huge success throughout the world. The original game was played with peach baskets nailed to a balcony that was ten feet high. However, the crowd would interfere, so the basket was moved out four feet and given a backboard. Eventually, iron rims and a net replaced the peach baskets so that someone would not have to manually retrieve the ball. Naismith died in 1993 at the age of 78 from a heart attack.