James Joyce: Portrait of the Artist As a Young Man How does the text suggest Stephen's mental language?

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Having been published in 1914, Joyce's "Portrait of The Artist" is a remarkable example of the modern literary pursuits and experimental methods in prose-writing. In the beginning of the new century, more and more writers decided to say good-bye to the traditional methods of describing phenomena, and chose to gave a free flow of their emotions. Joyce was one of the great literary pioneers of the 20th century, since he was one of the first writers …

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…mind of an artist -and in that respect, the mind of any human being- is continually connected to the unconscious soul of a child. The new experimental kind of writing used in "Portrait of the Artist" which tries to explore the depths of personality, is one of the first literary attempts to get into the deeper issues of identity. The most important tool to get into these dimensions is language, and the use of images.