Jamaican Food and Style

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Jamaican Food and Style Jamaica is a beautiful island south of Cuba, between North and South America. The island has a great deal of "rich agricultural land, and although much of the mountainous are is not very fertile, here and there in the hills are pockets of land which can bear abundantly" (Buisseret, 1969, i). Jamaica's uniformities and diversities concerning their food, as well as their unique religious functions, geography, economics, and technology contribute to their …

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…beverages are a major part of their culture as well. A Jamaican's way of life is defined by the foods and the types of foods they eat. Bibliography Bent, R.M. (1966). A Complete Geography of Jamaica. London: Collins Clear-Type Press. Buisseret, David. (1969). Historic Jamaica. Barbados: Caribbean Universities Press. Johnson, Alexander W. (1982). Jamaicans. Philadelphia: University Press. Phillipo, James M. (1975). Jamaica. New York, NY: University Press. Stewart, John. (1971). An Account of Jamaica. New York, NY: Library Press.