Jade Peony

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Essay Database > Literature
Culture is an important part of any individual's identity. This is especially important when moving and adapting to the culture of a new country. Wayson Choy, in his novel The Jade Peony explores issues of culture through the eyes of four siblings. He defines Chinese culture in his book and describes the many details of it through the characters. Where Jook-Liang, Jung-Sum and Kiam reject what it means to be Chinese, Sek-Lung the youngest, accepts …

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…book, most discover it to be hard to find a balance between traditional and new beliefs. Choy explores this problem through the eyes of the four siblings. It is most important to retain culture and traditions when in a new country while also being able to adapt and assimilate some of the new culture. Culture is important in shaping one's identity and it is important to preserve traditions and beliefs that stem from one's culture.