Jacky Robinson

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Jackie Robinson (1919-72) Jack Roosevelt Robinson was born in Cairo, Georgia., on January 31, 1919 to Jerry and Mallie Robinson. He grew up in Pasadena, California. In high school and at Pasadena Junior College he showed great athletic skill in track, basketball, football, and baseball. He left school in 1941 and was drafted the following year for Army service during World War II. After receiving a medical discharge in 1945, Jackie Robinson decided to tryout for the Boston Red …

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…York. He also worked with drug-prevention programs. Robinson starred in the motion picture The Jackie Robinson Story which was made in 1950 and was the author, with Alfred Duckett, of I Never Had It Made in 1972. On October 24, 1972, Jackie Robinson died from a heart attack at the age of 53 in Stamford, Connecticut. Ten days earlier, Robinson had thrown out the first pitch at the beginning of the second game in the 1972 World Series. Bibliography Not Available.