Jackson's democracy

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Essay Database > History
During the 1820's and 1830's, the United States government was introduced to the Jacksonian Democrats who thought themselves to be the leaders and strict enforcers of the United States Constitution, political democracy, individual liberty, and equality of the equal economic opportunity. Jacksonian Democracy was the belief that the people should have direct governing of themselves; this concept praised liberty of the individual and enforced their basic principles of the government clinging to states' rights and …

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…Jackson's self-centeredness powered most of his unconstitutional decisions in favor of the west and the south. Jackson was so busy trying to impress the "common people" that all his ideas were influenced by these vain means. Several events of unconstitutionality and restrained individual liberty occur during this era of political ignorance. Jacksonians were not the protestors of the constitution and individual liberty, but fell short of this idealistic thought by their self-involved actions and demeanor.