Jack the ripper source based questions

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Essay Database > History > European History
'Describe law and order in London in the late nineteenth century.' In 1829 Sir Robert Peel, Home Secretary, set up a police force called the Metropolitan police. But in 1800 there were two other police forces set up, the Bow Street Runners and the Thames River police. The Metropolitan police force over took them as the Metropolitan police force was popular. It is so popular it still exists today. They were designed to carry out the …

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…getting hundreds. They could not tell which ones were real and a hoax. The police trained bloodhounds and the searched the area. However, there were some doubts as with the amount of people that lived in Whitechapel, crammed into the same lodge, would have the same smell leading them to make wrong accusations. During the last murder the police followed up every lead which ended in dead ends and wasted a lot of police time.