Jack the Ripper.

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Essay Database > History > European History
Few names in the annals of history are as recognizable or conjure up intense fear as does Jack the Ripper's. In today's society, he is likely to have been little more than a blurb on the third page of national newspapers, but the paralyzing fear he imposed on London's East End during 1888 remains one of the great crime stories of history. So who was Jack the Ripper? His identity remains unknown, but he was a …

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…Letters From Hell. The movie opened at number 1, generating $11.6 million USD in ticket sales during its first 3 days of release throughout North America. Considering that Jack the Ripper's reign of terror occurred over a century ago, this story certainly has staying power. As sure as the sun will rise, there will always be plenty of people out there searching for the answer to one of modern time's most intriguing questions: who was Jack the Ripper?