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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
Bernie Williams Berine Williams was born September 13 1968.His paernts always encouraged him to be what ever he wanted to be when he grew up. He also had a brother named Hiram they used to be together all the time. Bernie became intrested in baseball when he was 8.The Yankees were very popular in San Juan.Bernie grew older and got better because his dad used to take him evrey day to play baseball after school. …

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…from other scouts. The way I can relate to this book is that I want to play for the Yankees too. Since I was about 6 I liked baseball. I played in a league I made the all-stars and the traveling team it was a fun experience for me. Theres nothing really celebrated about Latino culture except that theres plenty of good Latin baseball players. Bernie Williams The quiet leader By: Mark Stewart Bookreport done By