JFK was murdered by Lee Harvey Oswald alone...

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Essay Database > History > North American History
With this year being the 40th anniversary of the Assassination of John F. Kennedy, I decided to look into this area and try to unveil for myself (and for this paper) what is the so-called "controversy" or "conspiracy" that everyone talks about when this topic is brought up. Through several books, other research papers, websites, videos, and the Warren Commission Report, I seem to find myself spinning my wheels in this "conspiracy" of how and …

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…other historians, it is a challenge to find creditable historians and researchers that take the hard evidence and present them as facts. As a historian, you have to take the evidence and translate them into facts. It is the most accurate way to relive history. The facts state that the bullets came from Lee Harvey Oswald's rifle. The facts are that Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone assassin in the murder of John F. Kennedy.