JFK as an icon.

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Pages: 13
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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Controversial Issues
When thinking about the iconic figure, there are certain names that immediately spring to mind, John Lennon, Che Guevara, Elvis to name but a few, although the figure who seems to have had the biggest impact, especially in American culture is JFK, who is often looked upon as a Marta by American people. There are many suggested reasons why this is the case, the fact that he died while in presidency and the world famous …

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…that it was critical of some of the work and expressed opinions which were backed up with reasons, the fact that it wasn't just an explanation of the pop art period but actually delved into the artists style, and thoughts made the book more interesting to read, it could have been more helpful if it had an explanation of the pieces I was looking at of JFK, apart from this I found it very valuable.