JFK and his Life

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Kennedy, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, John Fitzgerald, 1917-63, 35th President of the United States (1961-63), b. Brookline, Mass.; son of Joseph P. Kennedy. Early Life While an undergraduate at Harvard (1936-40) he served briefly in London as secretary to his father, who was ambassador there. His Harvard honors thesis on the British failure to judge the threat of Nazi Germany was published as Why England Slept (1940). Enlisting in the navy in Sept., 1941, he became commander of …

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…appointed by his successor Lyndon Johnson to investigate the murder, eventually concluded that it was the work of a single assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald. Kennedy's death shocked the nation. Many felt that he would have gone on to achieve greatness as a President. Subsequent revelations, especially concerning his sexual activity, have somewhat dimmed his luster, but the sense that his administration was a youthful, idealistic Camelot remains powerful. He is buried in Arlington National Cemetery