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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
John F. Kennedy was destined to be president of the United States, he would rather mold history than let history mold itself. He was born in Brookline, MA in 1917. His mother was Irish and his father Joseph Kennedy was a graduate of Harvard University and had entered the worlds of business, and politics along with a good portion of his family. After their arrival as immigrants, his grandparents were the ones to begin the trend. …

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…wept. On Monday, November 25, 1963, John F. Kennedy was laid to rest in Arlington National Cemetery, with full military honors, and with many of the world's leaders in attendance. His widow stood by, courageous to the end, and he would have admired that, for as brother, Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy, noted afterward, courage was the virtue that John F. Kennedy admired most. And courage was clearly the stuff that John F. Kennedy was made of.