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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Music
Janis Joplin One of the most influential women singers of the 1960's was Janis Joplin. Blues legend Janis Lyn Joplin was born on January 19, 1943 during a period of global conflict and uncertainty that was in many ways the essence and trademark of her own short lie. Janis was the eldest child of parents Seth and Dorothy Joplin. They would have two more children, Laura and Michael. Janis was born and raised in the small Southern …

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…is currently under discussion in Hollywood. Three decades after her death Janis is still popular enough that I can go on the Internet and download " Mercedes Benz" as a ringtone for my cell phone. Janis always had the feeling that she was lacking love. I wish she were around to see the movies, CD's, posters and other memorabilia still selling like crazy to people like me who weren't even born until after she was gone.