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Essay Database > Literature > English
The men who are brave came to a new land , America , which is uncivilized and unspoiled , they settled up a new unique and developed nation . Their first aim was to gain their own freedom and applied it to life by democracy . This unique land , America , attracted the immigrants' interest . The stories that we will deal with The Pioneers by James Fenimore Cooper and Rip Van Winkle by Washington Irving , reflects this background of America . I . …

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…eedom and law , that has governed most American interpretations of the westward movement. Cooper was able to speak for his people on this theme , because the forces at work within him closely reproduced the patterns of thought and feeling that prevailed in the society at large.( Clavel 82 ) As a conclusion , we can say that Cooper and Irving contributed American history by their works , as they helped us to see how the society changes by time .