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Essay Database > History
John Fitzgerald Kennedy John Fitzgerald Kennedy was born in the year 1917, in Brookline Massachusetts. In 1946, at the age of 29, Kennedy became a congressman for Massachusetts. When in Congress, Kennedy was known for voting his own ideas, not just those of his party. He openly criticized the actions of the Truman administration. He ran for the senate in 1952. During his first two years as senator he backed legislation beneficial to the Massachusetts textile, fishing, watch, and …

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…was beginning to pull troops out of Vietnam because he realized that things were going to become more difficult there. He stood down the Soviet Union during the Cuban missile crisis keeping our hemisphere free from the threat of a Soviet first strike. Though the Kennedy name has recently fallen on hard times, the memory of the handsome, young, intelligent, leader will be what is remembered as we head into the new century. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**