"Its the journey that matters, not the destination" a 3 minute speech on journeys, presented to a year 11 class.

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Environment
So year 11, Is a physical journey merely a distance traveled? Or is there a greater meaning behind every step that is taken? As well as extending yourself physically, what about the mental, emotional and intellectual transformation on the journey? Remember those long roadtrips when you would drive your parents nuts by asking "Are we there yet?" Often, we are so obsessed with the destination that we neglect to see the process that takes us there, …

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…all on educational journeys striving towards the HSC but instead of asking "are we there yet?" look around and enjoy the process of the journey, the wonderful relationships you've formed, the parties along the way and also the heartbreak and personal challenges that you would be faced. Without the process of the journey, the destination would not be so triumphant and so remarkable when you reach it. So yr 11, Good Luck with your journeys ahead!