It's about the wildlife in the Serengeti and how you can manage to survive there

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Geography
Imagine the teeming wildlife in the Serengeti Plains of South Africa. zebras, wildebeest, and gazelle grazing on the tall grasses as they watch for predatory animals that may be lurking in the distance planning out an attack. Then the majestic herd of African elephants crashing through the brush and bellowing at nearby lions on their way to the watering hole. Also, the thunderous sound of rhinoceroses valiantly defending their feeble children with their formidable horns. …

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…but not enough is being done to protect these incredible animals. People worldwide need to come to realization that if they would donate just a small monetary amount, it could go along way in making sure the generations to come will be given the same opportunities to see these magnificent animals. So as it can be seen, conservation of the African wildlife is a key element for the future and the present to work on.