It's Been Awhile

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Grendel follows the philosophical evolution, from solipsism to nihilism, of a socially isolated creature, a monster. It is an examination of human supernatural curiosity and its many dangers, specifically the tendency toward blind cynicism. Grendel is a censure of the rapid growth of this cynicism in twentieth century society and the consequent widespread distrust of abstract ideals. In investigating his own nature, the monster in the story destroys himself. He realizes that the universe is …

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…the philosophical journey that shapes this novel by providing a perfect answer to Grendel's puzzle. The meaning of life is in its living. The justification of truth is in truth. The reason for beauty is beauty. It is too late for Grendel, however, as he has lost too much of himself. In the final battle he rejects Beowulf and all that the hero represents, and so Grendel's death, like his life, is merely an accident.