"Ithaca": Life's Journey

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Communication Studies
The Excursion of Ithaca Ursula K. LeGuin once said "It is good to have an end to journey toward, but it is the journey that matters in the end." I believe that almost everyone agrees with LeGuin in her notion. Too often do people charge through their lives in order to reach the end, usually missing the ride commonly known as life. It is agreed by the majority of the population that the best part …

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…and smells of exotic locales. These sensory items represent the superior things in life. "Sensual perfumes," fill your nostrils, "...coral, amber and ebony" line the market. Cavafy's stunning description makes it sound all the more interesting. Cavafy's poem and Ursula Leguin's quotation can be seen in everyone's life at one point or another. Life, when rushed, is not much of an existence. The destination is much shorter lived than the tremendous excursion to get there.