Italy Report: Discussing Canada's trading relationship with Italy

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Global Economy
Canada has a big problem, which must be considered very seriously. Their largest international trading partner, the United States of America currently receives 80.3% of Canada's total exports while 73% of Canada's total imports come from the USA. While this may seem favourable since the two countries are neighbours, it is unwise for Canada to rely so heavily on one trading partner. This leaves much room for other countries to start trading on a larger scale with …

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…by an increase in exports, creating jobs which leads to an increase in consumption and by investments by businesses. Canada now has an opportunity to increase their GDP and show their independence from the United States by increasing trade with other countries. This would allow Canada not to have to rely so heavily on the United States. In conclusion, it is the best interest of Both Canada and Italy to increase trade with one another.