Italian Immigrants and Sacco and Vanzetti Trial.

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Civil Rights
The reason the United States was founded was because of European immigrants leaving their home country and coming to America. The first person to 'discover' America was an explorer trying to find new lands for Europeans to live. Since then millions upon millions of immigrants have settled into American cities, bringing with them, a bit of their cultures. One group of immigrants that settled in America was the Italians, bringing their food, dress, and dialect …

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…and unjust as many of the older societies of the world, no longer embodying any bright ideal, but once again serving the interests of the rich and the powerful. American intellectuals were powerfully moved by the case. The importance of the Sacco-Vanzetti case remains not only because it called into question some of the fundamental assumptions of American society, but also because it calls into question some of the fundamental assumptions of American history (Lee, 167).