Italian Families

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Italian Families Italians symbolize a value system organized primarily around protecting the family. I feel that the family is one of the most important elements in our family. My grandparents are full-blooded Italians. My grandparents' parents came over to America from Italy. As I read this article I am learning that my grandparents today believe in the same customs and traditions as our long ago ancestors. Between 1900 and 1910 more than two million Italians, mostly peasants …

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…been similar in some ways because my father raised his children with the same morals and beliefs as my mother has. I am thankful to have the great family that I do today. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography** Bibliography Jaime Welcome 1. Batterberry, Michael. Art of the Middle Ages. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1961-1964. 2. Bury, J.B. The Cambridge Medieval History. Cambridge: The University Press, 1957, vol. 6. 3. Bury, J.B. The Cambridge Medieval History. Cambridge: The University Press, 1957, vol.7.