It was a collge aplication essay on my father. it was well recieved by the university of miami and Davidson college

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
A person who has impacted your life? <Tab/>I keep remembering odd things: his love for cars, jokes he told at the dinner table, his subtle brand of sarcasism, the look in his eyes when he tlaked about my future. I knew college before I'd ever hear of high school, I was my dad's last chance at the degree he never had. His parents never pushed him to achieve any thing …

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…disaster, the house was so gloomy with out a tree, no lights and no presents. His recliner empty, and not used since that last day he sat on it, its still in the living room, and noone has used it since. <Tab/>What I feel cheated of is the future we'll never have. But I will always remember him saying "What doesn't kill you, will only make you stronger." Gracias Papi.