It is our moral responsibility to Question God's existence and if there is a God, would he want us to use our reason.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Philosophy
Every piece of knowledge, from knowing what a tree is to advance math, is a direct result of questioning. To actually know something, one must have not known it before and thus questioned what it was that wasn't known. Starting from birth, one has questioned everything around them. Questioning is a fundamental privilege that one has in order to gain knowledge of things that aren't clear and certain. Similarly, the mystery of the existence of …

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…Questioning is only an attribute that is required in gaining all knowledge and serves as a starting point for all answers. Question God's existence does not necessary mean that one is an atheist, or that there is no God at all. Beliefs don't equal facts and anything that isn't a fact needs to be examined and questioned in order it to be assured. We are morally responsible and required to seek evidence for our beliefs.