It is a stubborn fly that follows the corpse to the grave.

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
It started years ago like a joke cracked by a famous jester. A lifeless stick of matches scratched against its coated paper produces a small flame but when left carelessly near an open jar of volatile petrol, causes a conflagration, which can claim life and property. Rose started smoking at the age of fourteen. She was born to a very wealthy family of five and she was the only daughter. I wonder why most children …

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…because evil association corrupts good behavior. Eventually, Rose lost her boyfriend, who would have married her. She engaged in prostitution. The hazard of sexually transmitted disease was there. She made money but was always sick. Her culture of decency had died long ago. She did not complete her education. She developed lung cancer because of cigarette. From prostitution she got AIDS and died. It is a stubborn fly that follows the corpse to the grave.