It is a dialogue essay meant to show that you can make a dialogue essay.

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
Last Call "I'll get it." The infernal ringing of the telephone awoke me. I rolled out of bed and fell on the floor. In a daze, I look at my clock that indicated that it is eleven o'clock at night. The phone rang again, so I scurried off of the floor, hopefully reaching it before anyone would wake up. "Hello," I said while picking at the sleep in my eyes. "Brian, what are you doing …

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…I thought that I would never let go of the phone, and it was just after midnight. Millions of ideas swirled around my head and I wanted to lash out in anger. The fury is building as I throw the phone on the bed. I got past the anger and threw on some clothes, as I picked up my keys and said my prayers. I opened the car door and the memory fades to black.