It is a comparison between ethnocentricity and ego thinking

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
ETHNOCENTRICITY AND EGO THINKING Ethnocentrism Ethnocentrism is defined as the tendency to judge the customs of others by the standards of one's own ethnographic present. In a nut shell, Ethnocentrism is "thinking that one's own group's way is superior from others" or "judging other groups as inferior to one's own". When the Spaniards first reached the shores of the Philippines, natives were immediately branded as barbaric. Their need to convert the natives into Christians was …

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…to commit an error in come computations, the students happened to correct her. The teacher in return did not accept the correction, instead insisted that her answer is right. Here, the teacher is ego thinking, since she's the teacher and supposedly she should no be outsmarted by the students, as a result, she can't accept the fact that she had committed mistake, instead her defense reflexes drover her to insist that her answer is correct.