It is a Rogerian Aurgument on Genetic Engineering

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Biology
Genetic Engineering The history of man is a long path to immortality. From the first thought of hygiene to the modern thought of genetic engineering, people have made it a life's work to stay alive longer and healthier. People always attempting to invent new ways to defy time. Modern technology has opened up a gateway from which a large controversy has emerged from. There are many different ways to look at genetic engineering. The cons …

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…donor. McMahon, Peter. "How understanding the human genome can help you". June 26, 2000. July 18, 2002. <> This a most excellent article about the medical benefits of genetic engineering. The fact that disease can be foreseen is a major accomplishment. Personalized drugs are another example given to show just how genetic engineering can be helpful. And furthermore, gene therapy is effective in replacing a damaged or unhealthy gene with a healthy one.