It has been argued that "Trainspotting" by Irvine Welsh is a critique of materialism in western society. Do you agree?

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels believed that Capitalist society, which is based on the right of each individual to own private property, is the cause of the main class divides evident in today's society. That the basic right to own property results in the ruling class, the bourgeoisie, becoming obsessed with the accumulation of possessions and, as a consequence, becoming slaves to commodities; Commodity fetishism. This resulted, they argued, in the widening of class divisions. …

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…proposes then that excess materialism and the culture of materialism can be escaped from. Instead of rejecting it through the use of drugs as a means of escapism, he rejects it simply by not conforming to the materialist culture. He realises that it is not the money that matters. It is because he realises that it is not the money that matters that ensures he will never become obsessed with the accumulation of material goods.