It discusses the roles of man and woman in Shakespeare's Macbeth with quotations.

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
In act IV, scene iii of Shakespeare's Macbeth, Macduff learns that Macbeth killed his wife and his children. Also encouraged by Malcolm, he decides not to accept the situation and say I did not do anything to cause this--which is considered as "womanly defense". Instead, he will turn his sadness into anger and decides to take revenge by killing Macbeth--which is considered as manly and honorable act. These ideal characteristics for men and women seem …

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…the murderers to kill Banquo in act III. Macduff is pushed by Malcolm to act like a brave man and take revenge from Macbeth. In Macbeth men are forced by people around them and the social structure to be the "man" who takes revenge and does not fear anything. Sometimes they are brainwashed to do things that are not honorable and noble but told as they are, like killing Duncan--which afterwards makes them feel bad.