It compares and contrasts different types of freedom in "A Man for All Seasons," "To Althea" by Richard Lovelace and "Prisoner of Chillon" by Lord Byron.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Freedom??? Freedom is a state of mind and is a choice. It cannot be taken away from somebody if they are in shackles or in jail. Freedom means different things to different people. Different people would also put their life on the line as long as they have freedom. Sir Thomas More in A Man for All Seasons, Richard Lovelace in "To Althea", and Lord Byron in "The Prisoner of Chillon, all have different perspectives …

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…The Prisoner of Chillon" all reacted different in their own way when people attempted to take away their freedom. They also construelove in different ways. Sir Thomas More believes giving up his life and standing up for what he believes in is freedom, Richard Lovelace thinks that loving and being able to love is freedom, and Lord Byron says that accepting one's surroundings and making the best with what one has is what freedom means.